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                           QUESTIONS & ANSWERS


Q. How do I sign up?

A. 1. Download in AppStore and PlayStore for FREE   

    2. Verify your license in our app- contact us if you are out of jurisdiction  

    3. Accept Terms & User Agreements

    4. Add Agency Code, set up your profile, notifications, location


        (Contact us for an Agency Code if you have not received one through our marketing)


Q. How is agency protected?

A. Please refer to the Terms of Use. Proper agency representation forms are the responsibility of the representative agent. Unlockdbox users agree to the terms and conditions of use and thus agree to abide by all ethical and legal standards of real estate.  As laid out in the Term of Use


Q. How does payment work?

A. The Requesting Agent is responsible for paying the Unlocking Agent. Payment is integrated into the app 

when a Request is sent, just add your credit card. The fee is agreed upon when an agent applies to the request. Payment is sent once the Unlocking Job is completed. 


Q. How do I get paid?

A. Payment is taken care of through the App. Add your PayPal account and payment will be seamless. 


Q. What are my responsibilities as a Requesting Agent?

A. As a Requesting agent, you are responsible for following all Unlockdbox Inc. Terms of Use. You are responsible for following all Federal, State and Real Estate boards Co-Vid 19 regulations. All Co-vid 19 forms must be filled out prior to Unlocking Job. You are responsible for paying the Unlocking Agent. N.A.R. Standards of Ethics must be withheld at all times. 


Q. What are my responsibilites as an Unlocking Agent?

A. As an Unlocking Agent your are responsible for following all Unlockdbox Inc. Terms of Use. 

How to be an Unlocking Agent:

1. Show up at the appointment time. 

2. Unlock the entrance of the property. 

3. Stay on the property while the prospective buyers view home. 

4. Secure the property. 

5. Track job progress in the app. 

N.A.R. Standards of Ethics must be withheld at all times. 


  I understand and agree that the Requesting Agent is the legal representative and agent of the prospective buyers for whom I have been requested to unlock a property and I will do nothing to interfere with or disrupt that relationship.


I agree that I will not solicit any real estate related business from the prospective buyers.


I agree that I will unlock the property requested to be unlocked within 10 minutes of the appointment time scheduled through the Application, will remain on the property during the entire time of inspection by the prospective buyers, and will properly secure the property before leaving.


I agree that I will not be entitled to a commission relating to the sale of this property, and will not seek such a commission; I am entitled only to the fee for unlocking the property agreed to between me and the Requesting Agent.


 I understand that I am responsible for damage to the property that occurs during the time I have unlocked the property, and will repair such damage and ensure that the property is in the same state of cleanliness and repair as it was before I unlocked the property.


By providing access to the property to the prospective buyers, I understand that I will not have any rights to be deemed a procuring cause of the sale, and thus will not have any rights to a commission.


I agree that all questions asked by the prospective buyers will be referred to the Requesting Agent.


I agree to adhere to all local, state, federal and real estate boards  Co-vid 19 health and safety regulations when interacting with people and property.


Q. What happens if my request is not fufilled?

A If your request is not fulfilled, you are not responsible for payment. If a job is canceled ( Initiated by you or the Unlocking Agent) prior to the specified appointment time, your credit card will be refunded. Please contact us directly if you are experiencing any issues. We will be happy to get them resolved. 

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